Borrowing archival materials for exhibition purposes

Borrowing archival materials for exhibition purposes

The Danish National Archives offers institutions the opportunity to borrow archival materials for exhibition purposes. Enhance your exhibition with authentic and unique historical documents from our extensive collections.


Who can borrow archival materials for exhibitions?

The Danish National Archives actively collaborates with cultural institutions that have public exhibitions as an integral part of their mission. We aim to ensure that borrowed materials are presented appropriately and professionally. Therefore, borrowing institutions must have suitable exhibition facilities, professionally trained staff to handle archival materials, and adequate security measures.

What are the terms for borrowing?

Loans from the Danish National Archives are conducted through a formal and binding loan contract, ensuring the interests of both the National Archives and the borrowing institution. We prioritise the security and conservation of loaned materials and reserve the right to terminate the loan contract if conditions are not met. The borrowing institution is responsible for all costs associated with the loan.

Preparing your loan request for exhibition purposes

If your institution is interested in borrowing archival materials for an exhibition, you must submit a formal loan request to the National Archives at least three months before the start of the loan period. The request should include the following information:

  • Full name and address of the borrowing institution
  • Nature of the exhibition
  • Location of the exhibition
  • Duration of the exhibition
  • Specific materials requested for loan
  • Exact reference of the materials in the our online archive database (Daisy)
  • Duration of the requested loan
  • The staff member responsible for the exhibition (including the loan)
  • Archival expertise available within the borrowing institution
  • A facility report detailing the security and preservation conditions for the borrowed materials

We offer guidance in locating the desired materials in our online archive database and can also assist in assessing potential costs and security requirements.

Have Questions?

Contact Information

If you are unsure about the requirements for exhibition loans or need assistance in finding archival materials in our archive database, please do not hesitate to contact us.