Addresses, opening hours and guidelines

Addresses, opening hours and guidelines

Find addresses, opening hours and guidelines for the Danish National Archives' reading rooms in Copenhagen, Odense, Viborg and Aabenraa.


Worth knowing before your visit

Remember to bring your health insurance card and photo ID when you visit the Danish National Archives’ reading rooms.

Bring your health insurance card every time and photo ID the first time you visit one of the Danish National Archives’ reading rooms. All visitors to the Danish National Archives’ reading rooms must be registered electronically. To be registered as a user of the reading rooms, you must bring a form of photo ID and your health insurance card. Following that, you must register your visit with your health insurance card every time you visit one of the reading rooms.

Read more about electronic registration below.

View original records

View original records that you can order in the Daisy archive database. Digitised records cannot be ordered to the reading room. You can view them on Arkivalieronline or via Daisy.

Get help

You can use the reading room’s reference works and other aids. You can get help from an employee from the archive and on some days, a volunteer guide.

Find out when you can get help from a volunteer guide (Danish)

Wireless network in the reading rooms

Feel free to bring your laptop with you into the reading rooms. WiFi is available.

Turn on WiFi on your PC, find the network SA-guest and accept the conditions.

Visits from genealogy groups

Genealogy groups are welcome in small groups in the reading room, as long as they announce their arrival in advance.

Guidelines for the use of the reading room

  • You are allowed to bring your computer and tablet, but not bags or covers.
  • You may only bring pencils. Pens and the like are prohibited.
  • You may bring a phone, but it must be set on silent mode. Visitors are not allowed to have conversations or speak on the phone in the reading room.
  • You are allowed to bring a camera, but not a bag/case. (Read more under “Photos and scans”)
  • Up to 20 loose sheets of paper.
  • You are allowed to bring an eyewear case and vital medicine.
  • The permitted items above can be brought into the reading room provided they can fit in a transparent carrier bag.

However, you are not permitted to:

  • bring outerwear, umbrellas, bags, pencil cases, pens, computer covers or the like.
  • bring a scanner.
  • bring beverages, food, sweets, creams or the like.

Remember your health insurance card and photo ID

All visitors to the Danish National Archives’ reading rooms must be registered electronically. To be registered as a user in the Danish National Archives’ reading rooms, you must bring a form of photo ID and your health insurance card. Following that, you must register your visit with your health insurance card every time you visit a reading room.

Registering with photo ID

Before you can register your visit to a reading room, you need to electronically register yourself as a user.

This requires that you bring a photo ID to the reading room, e.g. your passport or driver’s licence, along with your Danish health insurance card.

You cannot register as a user without a photo ID.

Don’t have a Danish health insurance card?

Visitors who do not have a Danish health insurance card can be issued a temporary access card. You will still need to provide a photo ID to receive a temporary access card.

Registration with health insurance card/temporary access card

Once you have been registered as a user of the Danish National Archives’ reading rooms, you must register future visits by scanning your Danish health insurance card/temporary access card and entering your code upon arrival at the reading room. You select the code during the registration process.

Note that you should not scan your card when stepping outside for a break. In some cases, however, you may be asked to scan your card again when returning from a break.

Important: Forgot your code, lost your health insurance card or temporary access card expired

If you forget your code, are waiting on a new health insurance card or your temporary access card has expired, you must bring a photo ID to register yourself as a user again.

You are not allowed to remove borrowed material from the reading room.

The records of the Danish National Archives must be returned when the loan ends or expires. Loans can be extended through Daisy. You can have up to 15 items at a time on loan.


Records ordered for use in the reading room can be picked up at the service desk. Please provide a completed form with your name, order number and seat number. Once we receive that, readily available records will be placed in the bookcase on a shelf with the same number as your seat number or delivered by cart. Records with permission restrictions and the like are handed over at the counter. Records must be delivered to the carts under the stairs or on the cart by the counter. Records handed over at the counter should be returned at the counter. Records you wish to use again should be returned on the carts stationed by the tables next to the counter. Remember to enclose a note with your name.


Records ordered for use in the reading room are generally placed in the bookcase in the reading room. They will be marked with your last name. Interlibrary loans, records which have permission restrictions, etc. are handed over at the counter. Simply provide your name and order number. Records you have picked up from the shelf should be returned at the cart by the shelf. If you wish to continue using the records, you should put it back on the shelf. Records handed over at the counter should be returned at the counter. You can let the staff at the counter know whether you would like to keep the records on the reservation shelf.

Odense and Aabenraa

Records ordered for use in the reading room are handed over at the counter. Please provide your order number when you check in to the reading room. When you leave the reading room for the rest of the day, please let us know at the counter if the records should be returned to storage or if you would like them to remain on the reservation shelf.

The records are unique historical documents that cannot be replaced if they become damaged or lost. You are accordingly expected to treat them safely and carefully. The Danish National Archives has a number of security rules to that end:

  1. There should only be one package or protocol on the table at a time
  2. Do not moisten your fingers while working with records
  3. Never make lines or marks in the records
  4. Never use the records as writing pads
  5. Never remove anything from the packages
  6. The order of the documents in the package must remain unchanged

Photos and scans

You may photograph records with your own camera (without sound and flash) and use the reading room’s scanners if there is no photo and scanning ban. Such a ban will be indicated on the access permit. You may also be notified of a photo and scanning ban upon receipt of the records.

Do not use hand scanners, table scanners, scanning pens and similar equipment that requires heavy-handed physical contact between the scanning equipment and records.

Reading room staff may at any time stop or prohibit photography or scanning to maintain a quiet working environment, the condition of the records, security considerations etc.

You should be aware of applicable legislation, including the Danish Archives Act, the Copyright Act and the Data Protection Act.

You are responsible for referring correctly and unambiguously to the records and referring to the fact that the records are located in the collections of the Danish National Archives.

Borrow photo equipment

We provide photography equipment in the reading rooms. There are photo stands in all four reading rooms. In the reading rooms in Copenhagen and Viborg, lamps are at the users’ disposal as well. Ask the staff in the reading room for the equipment. We have also created instructions to allow you to get started quickly. Borrow the instructions in the reading room.

Use the equipment at your own risk.


A book scanner is available in the reading rooms. It can make digital copies of the records. Bring your own USB stick to store the copies on. Using the book scanner is currently free.

You may scan records if there is no photo and scanning ban. Such a ban will be indicated on the access permit. You may also be notified of a photo and scanning ban upon receipt of the records.

Records that may not be scanned:

  • Records with seals
  • Parchments
  • Records larger than the surface of the scanner – e.g. maps and drawings
  • Original censuses and levying rolls
  • Records whose state of preservation does not allow copying

Using photocopiers

There is no photocopier in the reading rooms


You can order copies and scans of records, e.g. the records you are not allowed to scan yourself, provided there are no photo and scanning bans in place.

Buy physical material scanning

  • The reading room is a workplace for many people. Therefore, please make sure to always show consideration and speak softly with the staff and each other.
  • Users of the reading room must be registered electronically with the security officer at the security check before entering the reading room. Health insurance cards are used for registration ( the card with your Danish CPR number on it). Therefore, always bring your health insurance card when visiting the reading room. To be registered as a user, you must also bring a valid form of photo ID such as a passport, driving licence, etc. Foreign users are issued a special card from the security officer upon presentation of a valid photo ID.
  • You must present any items you bring into the reading room to an employee. Any PCs or tablets you bring must be opened.
  • You will be assigned a reading room seat by the staff when you check in to the reading room. You are only allowed to use the seat you have been assigned. This seat can be changed by the staff, for example, if there is a need to use particular materials or for security reasons.
  • If you leave your seat for more than half an hour, clear the table so that it can be used by someone else.
  • The security officer and/or other employees check that records are not removed from the reading room. This entails security checks of papers, etc. you carry with you in accordance with the Act on security checks at certain state and state-recognised cultural heritage institutions with public access to the collections.
  • All users are obliged to follow the staff’s instructions as well as applicable regulations.

Violation of these guidelines may result in expulsion and a revocation of your user rights.

Complaints can be directed to the Danish National Archives (

In addition to the Danish National Archives’ rules for the use of the reading halls, the Research Reading Room (the common reading room with the Royal Library in Copenhagen) has a special set of rules.

You can find the rules for the Research Reading Room in the Black Diamond here (Danish)

Guidelines for genealogy research group visits to the reading room in Copenhagen

Genealogy research groups who, accompanied by their teacher, wish to become familiar with the collections of records and aids are welcome in the reading room. Simply remember to notify us of your arrival in advance.

For the sake of the other users of the reading rooms, we recommend that genealogy research groups visiting the reading room only arrive in small teams (no more than 6 persons).

  • Before the visit, the teacher must inform their course participants about the rules and conditions of the reading room.
  • The teacher is responsible for providing guidance to their course participants in the reading room.
  • Short introductions in the reading room are restricted to small groups, and any talking should be limited and subdued.
  • More in-depth guidance should be provided outside the reading rooms.

In addition, the general rules in the reading room must of course be followed. Please note that the Research Reading Room (the Danish National Archives’ reading room in Copenhagen) has a special set of rules.

No later than one week before the planned visit, the Danish National Archives in Copenhagen must be informed of the visit. You can let us know at

Please include the following information:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Teacher’s name
  • Teacher’s e-mail address or phone number
  • Number of students expected to attend

We reserve the right to deny the visit if the scheduled date is not appropriate, which will mainly be the case if other genealogy teams have already announced they will be visiting at the same time.

The Reading Room in Copenhagen (in The Black Diamond)

The Reading Room – the Research Reading Room – is shared with the Royal Library.

Opening hours

September – June

Tuesday-Thursday: 9-18

After 16:30 it is only possible to use records that you have been provided before 16:30.

Christmas and New year
The reading room is closed from and including 20 December, 2024. We will open again on January 7, 2025.

July – August

Tuesday-Thursday: 9-16

After 15:30 it is only possible to use records that you have been provided before 15:30.

Service opening hours

Distribution of records

September – June

Tuesday – Thursday: 9-16:30

After 16:30 it is only possible to use records that you have been provided before 16:30.

July – August

Tuesday – Thursday: 9-15:30

After 15:30 it is only possible to use records that you have been provided before 15:30.


September – June

Tuesday-Thursday: 9-17

July – August

Tuesday-Thursday: 9-15.30

See your other options for help and guidance (Danish)

Delivery time

Delivery time for records and documents is usually 2-3 days.


The Research Reading Room

The Black Diamond

Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1

1221 Copenhagen

Telephone: 33 92 33 10


Directions to the Danish National Archives’ reading room in Copenhagen (Danish)

The reading room in Viborg

Opening hours

Tuesday-Thursday: 9-16

Christmas and New year
The reading room is closed from and including 20 December, 2024. We will open again on January 7, 2025.

Service opening hours


Tuesday-Thursday: 9-15:45

See your other options for help and guidance (Danish)

Local repository service time

During the reading room’s opening hours, orders are usually serviced at the following times:

10:00 (orders approved before 10:00)

11:30 (orders approved before 11:30)

12.00-16.00: limited service

Service time from remote archive

Viborg – Service time up to 7 days.

Aarhus and Odense – Service time up to 14 days.


The Danish National Archives, Viborg

Ll. Sct. Hans Gade 5

8800 Viborg

Telephone: 33 92 33 10


Directions to the Danish National Archives’ reading room in Viborg (Danish)


The cloakroom is on the ground floor. In the cloakroom and on the 2nd floor, there are lockers for briefcases, bags, etc. which are not permitted beyond the entrance to the reading room.


There is a lunch room on the 2nd floor where visitors can eat their packed lunches. Free beverages are available from the hot beverage vending machine.

Public transport

The archive is located about 15 minutes’ walk from Viborg Train Station. There are several bus stops within a short walking distance of the archive.


Driving from Rødevej and Reberbanen, there is a driveway to the large parking lot (Garnisonspladsen) behind the archive. There are also public parking spaces at Fælledvej and Tingvej. None of the spots have a time limit.

Conditions for visitors with disabilities

Zimmer frame or wheelchair users can enter the reading room via a disability lift at the main entrance. From the cloakroom on the ground floor, there is a lift to the reading room and the visitors’ lunchroom on the top floor.

The reading room is designed so that wheelchair and Zimmer frame users can get around. Work tables are easily accessible. There is also a wide variety of archival aids, copies of registries and handbooks placed at a height accessible to wheelchair users.


Adjacent to the reading room are two accessible restrooms.


Behind the grey building of the archive is a parking space reserved for users with disability vehicles. There are also two parking spaces for disabled users in the big parking lot (Garnisonspladsen) east of the archive building.

The reading room in Odense

Opening hours

August – June

Wednesday and Thursday: 10-15

Christmas and New year
The reading room is closed from and including 20 December, 2024. We will open again on January 8, 2025.

Service opening hours


Wednesday and Thursday: 10-14:45

See your other options for help and guidance (Danish)

Special guidance for first-time users

By appointment

Local repository service time

Wednesday and Thursday: 10-12 and 13-14:30

Service time from remote archive

Turnaround time 1-2 working days


The Danish National Archives, Odense

Jernbanegade 36

5000 Odense

Telephone: 33 92 33 10


Directions to the Danish National Archives’ reading room in Odense in danish


The cloakroom is located immediately to the left of the entrance adjacent to the stairwell. The cloakroom has restrooms and lockers for bags.


The lunchroom is on the 1st floor. Access is by stairs. The lunchroom has a self-service beverage vending machine.

In special cases, groups can book the meeting room on the 1st floor adjacent to the lunchroom.

Transport and parking

The easiest way to find the archive is to orient yourself in relation to the Odense Railway Station Center. When you step out of the station, turn right (along Kongens Have), after which Jernbanegade will be the first road on your left.


Free parking is available for archive visitors at the 20 parking spaces behind the building.

Accessibility for disabled persons


The archive has parking spaces close to the entrance. At the main entrance, please press the button at the door if you want the archive staff to help you inside.

Reading room

The archive’s reading room is located on the ground floor. The layout of the reading room allows wheelchair and Zimmer frame users to move about freely. Desks are easily accessible.

The registries in the reading room are placed on shelves. If you find it difficult to reach the material you want, the local staff can assist.


The archive has an accessible restroom, which is located on the 1st floor. You can use the elevator in the cloakroom from the ground floor to reach the 1st floor. The elevator is not freely accessible, but the archive staff can give you access to use it.

Other facilities

You can use both the archive’s lunchroom and the library on the 1st floor. The archive staff can help you use the elevator.

The reading room in Aabenraa

Opening hours

August – June

Tuesday and Wednesday: 10-15

Christmas and New year
The reading room is closed from and including 19 December, 2024. We will open again on January 7, 2025.

Service opening hours


Tuesday and Wednesday: 10-14:45

See your other options for help and guidance (Danish).

Local repository service time

Tuesday and Wednesday: 10-14:30

Service time from remote archive

Service time up to 14 days.


The Danish National Archives, Aabenraa

Haderslevvej 45

6200 Aabenraa

Telephone: 33 92 33 10


Directions to the Danish National Archives’ reading room in Aabenraa in danish


You must leave your outerwear, briefcase, bag, etc. in the cloakroom, as such items are not allowed in the reading room. The cloakroom has lockers that you can store your items in. Restrooms are located next to the cloakroom.


Visitors can eat their packed lunches in the foyer and in the archive’s lunchroom (reserved for the staff between 12:00-12:30 and 14:00-14:15).

A vending machine with hot beverages can be found in the foyer.

Public transport

The archive is located on Haderslevvej 45 in Aabenraa, approximately 20 minutes’ walk from Aabenraa bus station. Bus line 23 runs directly from the bus station to the bus stop at the archive.


If you are arriving by car, there is ample parking in the parking lot next to the archive.

Accessibility for disabled persons

The reading room in Aabenraa is accessible for disabled persons and persons with impaired mobility. The spaces in the archive’s reading room are designed to accommodate wheelchair and Zimmer frame users. If you are a wheelchair user or otherwise unable to move around the reading room, the local staff will be happy to assist with retrieving records for you to the extent they are able.


There is an accessible restroom located by the cloakroom.


There are two parking spaces close to the archive entrance, which are reserved for disabled users.