Research and researchers at the Danish National Archives
Research and researchers at the Danish National Archives
The Danish National Archives’ researchers are specialists in their individual fields. Get an overview of research topics and researchers.
The Danish National Archives is a research institution under the Ministry of Culture. One of the responsibilities of the Danish National Archives is to conduct research and spread awareness of the results of that research.
Researchers at the Danish National Archives
The researchers are experts in various fields and are available for guidance. See contact information, research areas, etc. under the individual researcher.
Areas of research
- Childhood history
- Child welfare history
- History of emotions
- History of placed children
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 74 79 - E-mail:
Areas of research
- Social history
- Disability history
- Welfare history
Læs mere om Annemarie Borregaard på Syddansk Universitets Forskerportal
Senior Researcher
Areas of research
- East Greenland during the modernization 1950 – 1979
- Children in foster care 1770 – 1920
- World War I (especially crisis management)
- Social history, 19th and 20th centuries
Read more about Annette Østergaard Schultz on the research portal PURE
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 74 53 - E-mail:
Senior Researcher, PhD
Areas of research
- Social history 1700-1900
- Rural history 1700-1900
- Historical social mobility
- Illegitimate children
Read more about Asbjørn Romvig Thomsen on the research portal PURE
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 74 65 - E-mail:
Senior Adviser
Areas of research
- Denmark-Norway tropical colonies in Southeast Asia 1620-1845
- Danish history 1600s and 1700s
- The administration of foreigners in the 20th century
- The intersection between conservation and archives
Read more about Asger Svane-Knudsen on the research portal PURE
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 72 45 - E-mail:
Areas of research
- Social history, 1800s and 1900s
- Historical demographics
- Censuses
- Disease and mortality
- Infant mortality
- Fertility
- Illegitimate children
- Historical methods
Read more about Bárbara Ana Revuelta-Eugercios on the PURE research portal
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 74 88 - E-mail:
Senior Researcher, PhD
Areas of research
- Educational history in the 18th-20th centuries
- Church history 18th-19th centuries
- Public management history
Read more about Christian Larsen on the research portal PURE
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 72 30 - E-mail:
Head of Research
Associate Professor, dr.phil.
Areas of research
History of Southern Jutland and Schleswig-Holstein in the 19th and 20th centuries, especially the Danish and Schleswig-Holstein nationalist movement in the 19th century, H.P. Hanssen, the national struggle for land resources, the national minorities and the South Jutland business community.
Read more about Hans Schultz Hansen on the research portal PURE
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 74 01 - E-mail:
Senior Researcher, PhD
Areas of research
- Science, technology and culture in the 20th century
- Universities and business in the 20th century
- International and transnational scientific cooperation
- Nuclear power and the history of other nuclear technologies
- The scientific exploration of Greenland during the Cold War, with a focus on Danish and American cooperation
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 74 18 - E-mail:
Senior Researcher, PhD
Areas of research
Main research area is pre-1850 (approx.) Danish and European urban history .
Other research areas include various aspects of Danish legal, criminal, administration, social, medicine, education, military, migration and agricultural history.
Read more about Jørgen Mikkelsen on the research portal PURE
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 72 33 - E-mail:
Senior Researcher, PhD
Areas of research
- Danish history 1750-2000
- Danish business history in the 1900s in an international perspective
- Foreign investments in Danish business
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 74 60 - E-mail:
Areas of research
- History of women’s work
- Social history, 1800s
- Population data
- Censuses
- Digital history
- Historical demography
Læs mere om Line Hjorth-Moritzsen på forskningsportalen PURE.
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 74 83 - E-mail:
Senior Researcher, PhD
Areas of research 1870-1970
- History of sexuality (incest)
- Gender history
- Childhood history
- History of family life
- History of law and crime
Read more about Mette Fransiska M. Seidelin on the research portal PURE
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 74 54 - E-mail:
Chief Assistant
Areas of research
- Urban history (16th century)
- Rural history (18th century)
- Palaeography, heraldry, passporting (1800s)
- The Danish Topographical Tradition (1100-1860)
- The Plague in Denmark (1350-1711)
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 72 68 - E-mail:
Senior Researcher, PhD
Areas of research
- Pollution, disease and health in Copenhagen, 1800-2000
- Colonial history, Danish colonies in the West Indies and India, 1700s and 1800s
- History of medicine and natural science, 1700s and 1800s
Read more about Niklas Thode Jensen on the research portal PURE
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 73 90 - E-mail:
Areas of research
- Church history in the 1500s and 1600s
- The history of the Danish nobility in the 1500s and 1600s
- Connections between manor house and parish in the 1500s and 1600s
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 73 97 - E-mail:
Senior Researcher, PhD
Areas of research
- Danish economic and social history in the 19th and 20th centuries
- Penalty enforcement in the 20th century
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 73 53 - E-mail:
Researcher, ph.d
Areas of research
- History of the Danish Jews in the 20th century
- Denmark and the Holocaust
- Refugees and exile (1933-1945)
Read more about Silvia Goldbaum Tarabini on the research portal PURE
- E-mail:
Senior Researcher, PhD
Areas of research
- Danish history in the 20th century
- Denmark and the Great Powers 1900-1920
- Business history and societal development 1850-2015
- Occupation period 1940-1945
- Economic history
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 72 79 - E-mail:
Senior Researcher
Areas of research
- Administrative history 1800-2000
- Economic history
- History of education 1950-
- History of Southern Jutland 1800-1920
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 74 70 - E-mail:
Senior Researcher, dr. phil.
Areas of research
- Cultural history of the 1700s
- Marginalised groups in the 1700s
- Philanthropic work and international relief work in the 19th and 20th centuries
- Telefon:
+45 41 71 72 85 - E-mail:
Research topics
1972 EC referendum, Southern Jutland
Peter Fransen
Accounting history
Kenn Tarbensen
Adopted and foster children
Annette Østergaard Schultz
Air pollution and health in Copenhagen, 1800-2000
Niklas Thode Jensen
Lif Lund Jacobsen
Business history, Danish after 1850
Kenn Tarbensen
Business history and societal development 1850-2015
Steen Andersen
Business history, Southern Jutland
Hans Schultz Hansen
Business registries and statistics
Line Hjorth-Moritzsen
Jørgen Mikkelsen
Childhood history
Mette Seidelin
Amalie Olga Lyngsted
Children, placed
Amalie Olga Lyngsted
Church history, 1700s to 1900s
Christian Larsen
Church history, 1500s and 1600s
Per Seesko
Colonial history, 1600-1900
Niklas Thode Jensen
Confiscation of German and Japanese property after the Liberation
Peter Birkelund
Connections between manor house and parish in the 1500s and 1600s
Per Seesko
Peter Fransen
Tyge Krogh
Mette Seidelin
Crisis management, 1914-21
Annette Østergaard Schultz
Cultural history, 1700s
Tyge Krogh
The Danish colonies in India
Niklas Thode Jensen
The Danish Halle Mission
Niklas Thode Jensen
Danish history in the 20th century
Steen Andersen
Silvia Goldbaum Tarabini
The Danish Resistance
Peter Birkelund
Denmark and the Great Powers 1900-1920
Steen Andersen
Domestic disputes
Mette Seidelin
Digital history
Line Hjorth-Moritzsen
Disability history
Christian Larsen
East Indies, Danish
Jørgen Mikkelsen
Economic history
Steen Andersen
Erik Scavenius, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister
Steen Andersen
Executions, 1700s
Tyge Krogh
Family relations
Amalie Olga Lyngsted
First World War
Annette Østergaard Schultz
Hans Schultz Hansen
Foreign investment
Kenn Tarbensen
Genealogy, sources of
Michael Dupont
Greenland, scientific exploration during the Cold War
Henrik Knudsen
Hanssen, H.P.
Hans Schultz Hansen
Health care, 1800s
Jørgen Mikkelsen
History of Danish realskoler (secondary schools)
Christian Larsen
History of education
Christian Larsen
History of medicine, 1700-1800s
Niklas Thode Jensen
History of natural science, 1700s
Niklas Thode Jensen
History of sexuality
Mette Seidelin
History of Southern Jutland
Peter Fransen
Annette Østergaard Schultz
Hans Schultz Hansen
The history of the Danish nobility in the 1500s and 1600s
Per Seesko
History of the Danish West Indies
Niklas Thode Jensen
Illegitimate children
Asbjørn Romvig Thomsen
Immigration, primarily before 1940
Jørgen Mikkelsen
Mette Seidelin
Juvenile delinquents
Peter Fransen
Juvenile prisons
Peter Fransen
International and transnational scientific cooperation
Henrik Knudsen
Legal history, 1800s
Jørgen Mikkelsen
Legal history, 1870-1970
Mette Seidelin
Kenn Tarbensen
North Jutland during the English Wars
Annette Østergaard Schultz
North Schleswig, minority and majority, 1945-1972
Hans Schultz Hansen
Nuclear power and the history of other nuclear technologies
Henrik Knudsen
The occupation period
Silvia Goldbaum Tarabini
Steen Andersen
The Political Economy of Forced Labour: Organisation Todt during World War II
Steen Andersen
Population data
Line Hjorth-Moritzsen
Prisons, Stokhuset, etc.
Jørgen Mikkelsen
Public management history
Jørgen Mikkelsen
Annette Østergaard Schultz
Christian Larsen
Refugees and exile (1933-45)
Silvia Goldbaum Tarabini
Rural history, 1700s and 1800s
Asbjørn Romvig Thomsen
Science, technology and culture in the 20th century
Henrik Knudsen
Social history, 1800s and 1900s
Jørgen Mikkelsen
Mette Seidelin
Social history, 1700s and 1800s
Asbjørn Romvig Thomsen
Social mobility, historical
Asbjørn Romvig Thomsen
Technical engineers, post-1950
Peter Fransen
Trade and shipping
Jørgen Mikkelsen
Traffic history
Peter Fransen
Niklas Thode Jensen
Transitional justice with the collaborationists after the occupation
Steen Andersen
Universities and business in the 20th century
Henrik Knudsen
Urban history, 1500-1870, Danish and European
Jørgen Mikkelsen
Vejle County Municipality, 1842-1970
Annette Østergaard Schultz
Violence against women
Mette Seidelin