HR & Finance

HR & Finance

HR & Finance is responsible for a range of staff and support functions within payroll, personnel administration, management, procurement, and finance.


About HR & Finance

The main tasks of the unit are to provide excellent guidance and service, ensure stable and efficient operations, and contribute to the development of the National Archives as an attractive workplace that adheres to standards of good employer conduct and principles of good governance.

Additionally, the unit has overall responsibility for accounting, budgeting, and financial management, and is also responsible for all operation-related procurement. The Finance unit clarifies the National Archives’ overall financial framework in dialogue with the Ministry of Culture’s department.

Tasks within the HR area include

  • Payroll and personnel administration
  • HR and organizational development
  • Collaboration and work environment
  • Cross-departmental secretarial tasks (main email and ESDH)
  • System responsibility for administrative systems (HR, payroll, and ESDH)
  • Compliance within HR, payroll, and personnel law
  • Organization of institutional conferences and seminars (e.g., in connection with the EU presidency, etc.)

Tasks within the Finance area include

  • Determination and adjustment of the National Archives’ financial framework.
  • Ongoing financial monitoring, management information, and financial and strategic analyses, etc.
  • Departmental service regarding financial matters.
  • Financial management in collaboration with unit managers and location coordinators.
  • Operation-related procurement and guidance on public procurement rules.
  • Preparation of guidelines for disbursements, travel, and representation, etc., to ensure compliance with government rules.
  • Strategic planning and financial analyses.