

Documentation finds and provides data from the National Archives' collections to citizens, who need documentation about themselves.


About Documentation

Documentation finds and provides data from the National Archives’ collections to citizens in accordance with the regulations of the Archives Act.

Documentation is also responsible for finding and providing data according to the regulations regarding early retirement pension (The Danish Act on Social Pension), where the National Archives can provide citizens who wish to take early retirement with documentation of seniority.

Documentation ensures that applicants gain access to the data they are entitled to as quickly as possible, while also complying with existing data protection principles.

The tasks of Documentation include

  • Processing all cases under Section 39a of the Archives Act regarding citizens’ right to access their personal data in digitally created material.
  • Receipt and case preparation of all requests for access to personal data in physical archives under Section 39b of the Archives Act. If the material contains information about persons others than the person requesting the data, the case is transferred to the Access unit.
  • Processing all cases related to Early Retirement according to the regulations of the Archives Act and the Danish Act on Social Pension.
  • Guidance, secretariat, and development tasks related to access to personal data and Early Retirement.