User Services

User Services

User Services ensures that users of the National Archives can find the information they need, whether it exists in physical or digital form.


About User Services

User Services aims to constantly make it easier to find and use the National Archives’ collections, whether users work independently, such as when they use Arkivalieronline, or whether they need assistance from the National Archives to find what they’re looking for.

User Services is responsible for the National Archives’ websites.

The tasks of User Services include

  • Developing and maintaining the ways that users find and utilize the National Archives’ collections online, encompassing both user journeys in general and website functionality in particular.
  • Responsibility for user services such as ‘Ask the National Archives’ and ‘Use the National Archives’ as well as instructional material on, detailing how to use data and documentation from the National Archives.
  • Individual guidance, including researcher service and government service.
  • Web accessibility and other accessibility requirements regarding the National Archives’ communication.
  • Secretariat for the User Council for the National Archives’ digital services.
  • User-centered events
  • Research activities based on the National Archives’ research strategy.