Find out if you need to report your data

Find out if you need to report your data

Conducting research at a university, hospital or company? This plays a role in determining whether you can or must report your research data.


State research data

You are required to report state research data to the Danish National Archives. State research includes any research where the data owner is a government authority, university or a sector research institution.

You must report your research data once you have completed your data acquisition and before you complete your research project.

If you are creating data continuously over a number of years, such as in the case of cohort studies, you must report your research once you commence your data acquisition.


Research data that you are not required to report:

  • Data created through experiments or simulations that are repeated, e.g. laboratory experiments or chemical experiments.
  • Data generated solely through integration of administrative records.
  • Data published in its entirety in publications covered by Act no. 1439 of 2004 on statutory submission of published material in Denmark (Lov om pligtaflevering af offentliggjorte materiale i Danmark).
  • Research projects below PhD level.

Legislation and guidance

For more information, see Executive Order no. 514 of 20 April 2020 on the reporting of research data created by state authorities (Danish)

See also Article 3 of the guidance to the executive order.

Regional research data

Your research falls under the regional domain if the data owner is a regional authority such as:

  • Hospitals
  • Central administrations
  • Institutions
  • Cross-cutting or joint regional units

If you are a hospital employee, you should consider carefully whether your data will be considered state or regional research data.

You can find out whether you are required to submit your research data in Executive Order 33. Alternatively, you can contact the Danish National Archives for assistance.

What can be reported

If you have research data related to health, history or society, you can report it to the Danish National Archives.

You cannot report research data created through

  • Animal testing
  • Drug trials initiated by industrial actors
  • Clean integrations of data from administrative registries
  • University assignments below PhD level
  • Data published in their entirety in publications covered by the Act on statutory submission of published material in Denmark (Danish) (Lov om pligtaflevering af offentliggjorte materiale i Danmark)

Legislation and guidance

For more information, see Executive Order no. 33 of 8 January 2020 on appraisal and selection of archival records in the Danish Regions, Annex 2, item 7 (Danish)

Municipal research data

Municipal legislation regulates whether you must report municipal research data.

In the guidance to Executive Order 183, section 1.4, you can read more about how to determine whether you are required to submit your research data. You can follow the diagram in the guide as well as check the so-called ‘d-gold list’, which is the list of municipal IT systems with information on discarding and preservation.

If you are required to preserve your research data, you must submit it to the Danish National Archives or another public sector archive (Article 7 archive).

Legislation and guidance

For more information, see Executive Order no. 183 of 26 January 2018 on appraisal and selection of born-digital data and documents from the Danish municipalities in danish

Private research data

You can report data to the Danish National Archives if you would like it to be preserved in the archives. The Danish National Archives will make an assessment before you can submit data.

Send an e-mail to if you would like assistance.