Purchase an archive search, scan or transcription

Purchase an archive search, scan or transcription

For a fee, the Danish National Archives can help you obtain information, find documents in our collections, scan material or transcribe text.


Our Collections

The Danish National Archives has material that dates back centuries and right up to this millennium. We hold information regarding persons, authorities and private companies. We can help obtain documents from municipalities and ministries, information from old church registers or censuses, personal documents and more.

Please provide the following information in your order:


Give your order a heading so we quickly can see what you would like help with

Elaborate on your order

Describe what you would like us to do or find, and tell us if you have information that may help us identify the material.

Time consumption

Consider whether you wish to limit the investigation to a certain number of hours. The more time we can spend on an investigation, the greater the chance that we will find what you are looking for.

Price and service time

The price per hour or part thereof is:

  • DKK 645 excluding VAT.
  • DKK 806,25 including VAT.

After the first hour, we bill you for every half hour or part thereof. In addition, we charge a service fee of DKK 20 excluding VAT/DKK 25 including VAT. The fee applies to the current year.

We aim to process your order within 10 working days.

You may occasionally experience longer wait times.

You will receive our response digitally.

Invoices are sent from the Agency for Governmental Administration.

See the Danish National Archives’ terms and conditions (Danish)

If you live abroad, you will receive a quote from us with the price and bank details. We will start on your case as soon as we have received your payment.

Someone ordering on your behalf

If you need another person to order or request information on your behalf, we require a signed power of attorney along with the order.

Print and fill out the power of attorney form here.